Friday 14 December 2007

The Hawk v Rest of the World

Latest moves.....
1 d4 Nf6
2 c4 e6
3 Nc3 Bb4
4 Qc2 d5
5 cxd5

The Voting Statistics
4...d5 16
4...b6 7
4...0-0 6
4...Bxc3+ 6
4...Nc6 3
4...c5 2
4....Qe7 2
4....d6 1
4...Ng4 1
4...Nh5 1
Black's choices seem a little narrower now. Which move would you like to play? Vote by leaving a comment here or by emailing me at:


  1. I vote for 5...Qxd5!

  2. Oy... seven votes for 4...b6? The World deserves better :P

  3. Thanks for the vote, youngvalter.

    And 'anonymous' - when it comes to 'audience participation', seven votes in total would be a good amount to have! Keep in mind the range of ages and skills varies greatly.

    Stay tuned for further moves!


Comments? Please keep it clean!