Monday 16 July 2007


Things may look a little disjointed at Marsh Towers for the first week or two as I bring an archive of my work from the Cleveland Chess Association website over to here. Bit by bit, every one of my book reviews, UNCUT! columns and junior reports, from 2001 to 2007, should find their way to Marsh Towers.

However, don't think that means there will be no original content for those who followed the earlier columns in real time. Oh no! There'll be plenty of new stuff so come back soon and see.

I have decided to date all archive material from the Cleveland Chess Association site as predating this blog, so if you are interested in reading the old UNCUT! and book review columns then please keep an eye on the blog archive, where all the old columns will be dated from 2001 onwards and added very frequently. Some will be augmented by historical comments.

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