Monday 2 October 2006

Archive: UNCUT! 53

The Sean Marsh
Chess Column

*Column 53*

Dear Readers,

Yarm School hosted a very special night of chess recently. In the middle of their Chess Festival (see Junior Update link to follow) former British Champion, International Master William Hartston gave a simultaneous display against 22 keen local players.

At the height of the World Championship chaos it was a welcome relief to get back to real chess!
I always enjoy simuls (whether giving or receiving) and this one was particularly memorable, against one of the all-time greats of British chess.

The circuits were quicker than normal, with the whole event lasting exactly two and a half hours.

Here are the scores…

Ernie Lazenby 0
Peter Ridsdale 0
Sean Marsh ½
Andrew Killick ½
Brian Whitaker ½
Joe Richardson 0
Philip Mitcheson ½
Harry Wang 0
Ian Wang 0
Alastair James 0
Dhruv Tapasvi 0
John Littlehailes 0
Mike Hardy 0
Gordon Middlemiss 0
Adam Stockley 0
Ahmed Saeed-Maiter 0
Alasdair Bruce 0
Matthew Puddick ½
James Xu ½
Alan Stockley 0
David Baillie 0
Dave Edmunds 0

Final Score: IM Hartston +16, =6, -0

The Chair of the Cleveland Chess Association, Mr Ernie Lazenby, very kindly donated a trophy and cash prize to be awarded to the junior who played the best game of the night (and made a considerable donation to the running costs of the event). IM Hartston chose James Xu to be the recipient. The game played by James – and other highlights - will feature in a forthcoming UNCUT!

Meanwhile, here are a few captured moments from a very enjoyable evening.

Quick - think! He's nearly here!

Maximum concentration in the middle game

Dave Edmunds, David Baillie and Joe Richardson all look for their opportunities.

James Xu and Matthew Puddick both drew.

Not many left now...but Gordon Middlemissand Alan Stockley are still battling away.

The Mighty Dhruv didn't go downwithout a long fight.

James Xu receives his 'Best Game' prizefrom Bill and Ernie

James Xu - best junior!

Sean Marsh

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